Semilla Coffee Lab


Regular price $35.00
Unit price  per 

Notes of Cherry, Lime, Papaya, Bourbon, Bright

Grower: Producers organized through Karaa Processing Station
Altitude: 1200 – 1350 masl
Variety: Bourbon, (S795)
Soil: Volcanic loam
Region: Mas Abud, Gianyar Regency, Bali, Indonesia
Process: Full natural and dried on raised beds
Harvest: May - October
Certification: Conventional

Coffee Background

Sourcing Details:

With Indonesian coffees, half the battle is overcoming logistical challenges like rugged roads and unpredictable torrents of rain. Working with exporters like Karana Coffee helps farmers overcome these challenges and ensures that coffee safely makes it to the international market.

Processing Details:

This particular lot comes from the Mas Abud a village located in the  Gianyar Regency of Bali.  Harvested cherries are transported to a centrally located mill operated by Karana, which is equipment for a variety of processing options including carbonic maceration. When cherries arrive at the central mill, they are carefully sorted and floated to remove damaged and underripe fruit. Then they are placed in a sealed tank filled with carbon dioxide, which displaces any oxygen from the tank.  The cherries are macerated in the carbon dioxide environment until the desired pH is reached, usually taking around 62 hours.  Next the cherries are laid out on patios and dried to 11 percent moisture and then stored until the time comes for exporting.

Exporting Details:

For the export preparation, dried coffee cherries are transported to Karana’s dry mill facility where coffee is received, cupped and selected for export. Coffee is dehulled and sorted with equipment typical in most dry mills, such as gravity beds, screens and an electronic color sorter.  Coffee is also hand sorted.